Mothers Union


We are a mission agency of the Anglican Church of Australia and part of the worldwide Mothers’ Union with links to 84 countries and over four million members who share one heartfelt vision - to bring about a world where God's love is shown through prayer and loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.

​As you explore our website we hope you will be inspired and encouraged to support the vision and mission of AMUA!


Our Branches

Belmont North Redhead – 1st Tuesday of the month at 10.00 am at Diane Kenchington’s home

Belmont – 3rd Tuesday at 1.30 pm All Saints Hall

Swansea – 2nd Friday 9:30 am commencing with Eucharist, followed by meeting and morning tea in the hall

Windale – 3rd Friday each month at 9:30 for 10.00 am