8:30 am Liturgy of Palms - Church of the Transfiguration Windale
9:00 am Liturgy of Palms - All Saints' Belmont
10:30 am Liturgy of Palms - St Peter's Swansea
10:00 am Eucharist (Reconciliation and Healing) All Saints Belmont
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross - All Saint's Belmont
10:00 am Eucharist - All Saints' Belmont
5:00 pm Stations of the Cross - Church of the Transfiguration Windale
5:00 pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy - Church of the Transfiguration Windale
5:30 pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy - St Peter's Swansea
5:00 pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy - All Saints' Belmont - followed by Watch at the Altar of Repose until midnight.
8:30 am Good Friday Liturgy (no eucharist) - Church of the Transfiguration Windale
9:00 am Good Friday Liturgy (no eucharist) - All Saints' Belmont
9:00 am Good Friday Liturgy (no eucharist) - St Peter's Swansea
7:00 pm Lighting of the New Fire and the First Mass of Easter - All Saints' Belmont
8:30 am Easter Family Eucharist - Church of the Transfiguration Windale
9:00 am Easter Family Eucharist - All Saints' Belmont
9:30 am Easter Familiy Eucharist - St Peter's Swansea